Name * First Name Last Name Email * Phone (###) ### #### Graduation Year * OC '25 OC '26 OC '27 OC '28 OC '29 Alumni Community I Plan to attend Kol Nidre services Friday October 12 in the Birenbaum (under the Hotel at Oberlin)6:15pm Yes No I Plan to attend Yom Kippur Morning Services -Saturday October 12 - at the Birenbaum (under the Hotel at Oberlin 10:30am Yes No I Plan to attend Yom Kippur Mincha Services -Saturday October 12 - at the Birenbaum (under the Hotel at Oberlin 6pm Yes No I Plan to attend Yom Kippur Neilah Services -Saturday October 12 - at the Birenbaum (under the Hotel at Oberlin 7:00pm Yes No I Plan to attend Yom Kippur Breakfast -Saturday October 12 - at the Birenbaum (under the Hotel at Oberlin 7:30pm Yes No Home address (not Oberlin) Address 1 Address 2 City State/Province Zip/Postal Code Country Thank you for RSVPing. If you have friends that are planning to attend please remind them to RSVP as well, it helps us plan and make sure there is enough food and space for everyone.Wishing you a meaningful fast